You will cum when I say: You’re allowed to cum

Ein Amateurporno von KatiesClub

    Derzeit sehen schon 4 andere User dieses Video und haben es als aussergewöhnlich bewertet!
  • Dauer: 28:38
  • Views: 291
  • Datum: 19.05.2017
  • Rating:

………… You are wearing a short blue or black dress, your bare feet are in open toe high heels, (from attached picture) your hair is curly, you have shiny red lip stick on, and you are wearing rings on your fingers (from #211 or #193 if you still have them).

Your nails are long, (same length as in #336) though now they are done in a French tip manicure , on your hands and feet. Your nails on your ring fingers should be a solid red color (no French tip) with the French tips on the rest of your nails in blue. Your toes should mirror the same combination.

You are mad that your boyfriend messed up the tickets to the play and let them sell out before he got any, so you had to go see some stupid movie instead. You tease him about this as the two of you walk back to the bedroom with him looking at your hands, feet, ass and heels. When you get back into the bedroom you tease him about how he’s been a bad boy lately……………

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