Revving Motorcycle Sex

Ein Amateurporno von KatiesClub

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  • Dauer: 14:28
  • Views: 180
  • Datum: 24.03.2016
  • Rating:

Hi, my friend.
Could you shoot a motorcycle revving video Fucking and revving at the same time would be EXCELLENT, otherwise solo revving would also be great. What kind of bikes do you have? I like 2 stroke bike the most. Otherwise, sport bike is also acceptable, such as the CBR bike in your previous video. 15 minutes of video, including 10 minutes’ revving while having sex on the motorbike(please see the picture or the attachment, the position is really good for revving while sex, your hands are on the throttle), the rest 5 minutes you could have pure sex with the engine on. Please rev the motorbike reaaallly hard for 1-2 minutes, that is an orgasm point for me, I reaaally enjoy see pretty girls revvvv the bike hard, PLEASE! You could wear a helmet shooting the video for 5-6 minutes and the rest without the helmet. Those things will make me excited, come on, show me what you’ve got!!!! When the man’s cum spitted out, do a hard revving again in the end.

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