My wet pussy in a tightly pencil skirt makes hard in your trousers

Ein Amateurporno von KatiesClub

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  • Dauer: 16:34
  • Views: 282
  • Datum: 01.03.2017
  • Rating:

The story: You are an elegant business woman. You are in your bedroom only in stockings and you are getting for work. But you don’t know which skirt to choose (you have 2 or 3 pencil skirts to choose from – you are trying all of them untill you make your final decision). Then you dress up – first the long pencil skirt (close view how you are slowly zipping it), then the shirt and after that the stilettos. Then you go to the mirror and you see how do you look in this outfit and you realize that the work is going to wait. You are slowly starting to tease and touch your pussy thru the skirt without pulling it up. After that you stand in front of the camera with your ass touching it and slowly unzipping the skirt, then you are turning around and slowly pull the skirt down (but you don’t remove the skirt) untill its comofortable for you to touch your pussy (pic 1)…………….


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