
Ein Amateurporno von KatiesClub

    Derzeit sehen schon 3 andere User dieses Video und haben es als aussergewöhnlich bewertet!
  • Dauer: 32:27
  • Views: 333
  • Datum: 22.10.2016
  • Rating:

Custom Clip Request

Hello Angel, I have a new request.

I saw that you have some abilities and skills for eating videos. I propose you a drinking video that’s you can of course just play.

The script : You’re a secretary an you are invited by your boss at his home. You don’t miss this opportunity because you know that throug this way you can get a promotion. You are wearing the same red outfit and the same high heels sandals from your video
“Cum on feet and walk”
Your’re also wearing sheer black stockIngs so it will be possible to see your beautiful nyloned toes. Fingernailsand toenails are painting in intensive red (especially no crotch for the fingernails). Make-up with very bright lipstick. You have long brilliant earings. You have a ponytail.
When the dinner beginns your boss is pouring you some champaign. At the beginning you drink only a little but your boss encourages you to drink more and more champaign. You daren’t refusate because you don’t want displease him. You start to laugh stupidly and becomes more and more casual. You get some hiccups. You gradually lose the sense of reality and your clothing becomes messy….

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