Extreme Outdoors

Ein Amateurporno von KatiesClub

    Derzeit sehen schon 2 andere User dieses Video und haben es als aussergewöhnlich bewertet!
  • Dauer: 8:10
  • Views: 277
  • Datum: 26.09.2015
  • Rating:

Today was a beautiful sunny day. I take a shower and to sunbathe on our balcony on
the top floor of the hotel. I sit and drink Schweppes. I feel good. He comes up to me, my husband and I understand,
he was horny. I begin to caress his cock. And then we started to have sex. It was
very exciting, because our hotel is located in the heart of the city. Opposite our balcony
bank building stood where we were clearly visible. Also nearby was a hotel where a man stood
on the balcony. But we were good, we could not stop. Probably he watched us and knew
that we have sex. My husband cums on my face, and as always the sperm gets into my eyes.
The day went great. Then I went back to sunbathe.

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