644 A Bad Deal For The Secretary

Ein Amateurporno von KatiesClub

    Derzeit sehen schon 2 andere User dieses Video und haben es als aussergewöhnlich bewertet!
  • Dauer: 26:52
  • Views: 273
  • Datum: 15.10.2022
  • Rating:

You are an eager but inexperienced professional woman who is starting a new office job. Although you are very intelligent, you are easily distracted (always playing/talking on your phone, etc) and you make a lot of mistakes in your paperwork. Your boss is unhappy with you, and decides to p you. From now on, you will surrender a piece of clothing for every error you make. If you do a good job, you will receive some of your clothes back. It is a strange policy, but if you don’t agree to do this, you will be fired immediately!

You are ashamed of your incompetence, and shocked at the thought of being undressed in front of the entire workforce. But, you cannot afford to lose your job, so you rey agree to this new arrangement. We next see you working nervously on your assignment, very careful not to make a mistake. Your fear is obvious: lots of fidgeting and fussing, looking around the room etc…

Even though you try your best, your work still contains errors. Over and over again, you submit your work to the boss, only to return to your desk wearing less and less clothing! You are

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